Monday, 26 August 2013

Microsoft's employee-only white Xbox One colors us green with envy

Some Microsoft employees rumored to receive free white Xbox One, make us jealous

There are certainly benefits to working for Microsoft beyond a steady paycheck. We've seen the company gift employees with phones and tablets, and if the picture above proves legit, a lucky bunch will receive a free Xbox One on launch day -- in an exclusive white and silver-grey hue, no less. In addition to a console etched with "I made this" and "launch team something," they'll get one year of Xbox Live and all first-party games (if we're understanding "1P" correctly) gratis. According to the picture, which surfaced on NeoGAF's forums and Reddit , this special edition Xbone will be given to full-timers (as of July 12th this year) in MS's Interactive Entertainment Business who are still employed at launch. This is just a rumor, of course, but if some Photoshop trickster cooked this up, we'd think they'd go as far as making the Kinect white, if only for consistency. Or, maybe that's what we're supposed to think.

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Source: NeoGAF forums, Reddit

via Engadget RSS Feed

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